
Hi! Welcome to The Great Berrier Reef.

My name is Carson Berrier, hence the slight letter change in the title of this website. (fun fact, this was and still remains my finsta handle)

I would consider myself an authentic, creative, observant, detail-oriented human. An enneagram 1w2, INFJ-T, Clifton StrengthsFinder: Responsibility | Input | Connectedness | Discipline | Deliberative. Devoted to equity. A firm believer that y’all means all!

I originally started this page during my time at university to collect and archive my coursework and passions, but I have recently found myself looking to give this page a little refresh to more accurately reflect the time of life I’m in right now — the time I like to call my “twentysomethings.”

Let’s be honest, when you finish undergrad and head out into the great big world–job secured or not–it is bittersweet. You’re sat between longing and anticipation. Two things I’ve become well acquainted with in the past few years.

I remember the day I graduated well. It was cloudy, drizzly, and about fifty five degrees, not the best, but hey, I’d take it. Pomp & Circumstance played, tears were shed, tassels were turned, but almost immediately after, I noticed how quiet everything got. The flurry of last semester assignments, graduation festivities, and time on campus ended. It felt like “real life” began in an instant. For someone who didn’t quite know what to do with such quiet yet, it was jarring to suddenly be out in the real world.

A last summer of swim coaching in my hometown brought me back to Fredericksburg, VA where I began working in the Office of Admissions of my alma mater–the University of Mary Washington–where I’ve been ever since.

I have grown. I have cried. I have failed. I have driven hundreds and hundreds of miles. Read thousands of applications. Spent time with family. Deepened relationships with friends. Ran a half marathon. Started and read in my very own rom-com book club.

I’ve chosen to be where my feet are planted. In the journal entries that I write. In each mile that I run. In each conversation with a prospective student and their supporters. In each pizza making night I host in my apartment. And in each word that I type here now. I’m remaining persistent in hope.

I hope you choose to experience all of that with me here.

